
Drupal View on Steroids. Using a Cloud Database as View Data Source.

Having already created Drupal views on external data, I felt the next step was to use a cloud database as the data source for a Drupal view. In this post, part of a series on using Drupal as a data platform, I describe the steps I followed to use an Amazon RDS instance as the…Continue readingDrupal View on Steroids. Using a Cloud Database as View Data Source.


Connecting phpMyAdmin to Amazon RDS

I wanted to try out Amazon Aurora RDS so I signed up for the free tier account. This post gives the steps I followed to configure phpMyAdmin running on a different VPS to connect to my Amazon Aurora RDS instance. I wrote this up because I struggled as most of the pages I found were…Continue readingConnecting phpMyAdmin to Amazon RDS


Creating Drupal Charts on External Views Data

This is a continuation of my series of posts on using Drupal as a data platform. In this post I show that you can create charts on data external to Drupal. I picked three modules to illustrate my point from a longer list of available contributed Drupal charting modules. There are two documentation pages that…Continue readingCreating Drupal Charts on External Views Data

Drupal SQL

Using SQL in Drupal Views Fields

SQL is a powerful data manipulation language (DML) that can be used to perform complex calculations and format data within your database. The Views Raw SQL module enables you to use SQL on your fields in your Drupal view. This is useful when using Drupal as a data platform for reports and data analysis from…Continue readingUsing SQL in Drupal Views Fields


Conditional Formatting of Data In Drupal Views

A few years ago then Google CEO Eric Schmidt was quoted as saying, “There was 5 exabytes of information created between the dawn of civilization through 2003, but that much information is now created every 2 days, and the pace is increasing”. The great volumes of data available for analysis have necessitated the development of…Continue readingConditional Formatting of Data In Drupal Views